MAKING MANIFESTING SIMPLER Dr Neeti Kaushik on Episode 81 of Wise Wednesdays with RK
MAKING MANIFESTING SIMPLER Dr Neetii C Kaoshik on Episode 81 of Wise Wednesdays with RK My star speaker on November 17 is Dr Neetii C Kaoshik she is sharing insights on Making Manifesting Simpler She is an educationist with over 35 years of experience She is an author of 60 plus books and a dynamic social media influencer who runs very successful channels on YouTube and also Instagram Nitty Gritty with Dr Neeti C Kaushik is a learning and development series for all age groups hosted by Dr Neeti C Kaushik an educationist by profession An opportunity to reflect on our life quest our dreams fears goals happiness joy beliefs Also an effort to learn from experiences people around us It brings stories of change hope integrity passion compassion sacrifice successes failures and many more Dr Neeti Kaushik takes pride in bringing answers to our very existential questions related to happiness emotions giving sharing being good independent manifestation knowing the purpose in life being a better parent building a wonderful relationship with our own self and others being organized being successful self-love self-care facing challenges being hopeful and grateful The list focuses on personal growth and development of an individual with focus to evolve as the BEST version of ourselves Come join us on this conversation where two like minds take you on a Happy Journey Within nittygrittywithdrneetikaushik motivation manifestation Brief Intro about the host Ruqya Khan aka RK My name is Ruqya Khan I have always known myself to be a wordsmith With more than 21 years of media experience I fully understand the power of stories and what we tell ourselves In a conversation I listen beyond the said I have been into personal development since 2011 I am a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Hypnotherapy and Timeline therapy I am certified by the International Coach Federation I immensely believe in the power of gratitude and acceptance and help individuals and corporate teams get from feeling stuck to unstuck using a simple but effective 5 step formula which is my unique S M I L E strategy I coined this formula for my TEDx talk in 2016 and have presented my mindset training workshops across 7 different countries and many audiences I work successfully in the corporate space but what truly nourishes my soul is building parent-child relationships because all love begins here I also do inner child work through 1 1 life coaching sessions for those of us who had to grow up too fast Let's connect over other platforms a www fb com 2FRKwrites a a www instagram com 2Frk rites a ww linkedin com in ruqya-khan a www ruqyakhan com a ruqyakhan subscribe selfmastery Please join us - more the merrier a https 3A 2F 2Fyoutu be 2FOLLQFUqO4Uk a - this is the broadcast link - kindly share with your family friends and peers so that they can engage with us on the live ask questions and make the conversation more meaningful for everyone
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