TalkingStickShow 031 - Suzi Crockford- Self Mastery Unseen world Ancestor Spirits Responsibility
Hello everyone and welcome to the Talkingstickshow I am joined by the outstanding Suzi Crockford Suzi Crockford is a visionary writer and a shamanic healer She teaches animist and shamanic pathways to finding our deep connection to 'All that Is' believing that if we can remember that we are simply one part of a living sentient world - and act accordingly - we can co-create The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible She is known for the clarity of her teaching her patience and good humour and her beautiful interweaving of the sacred and the ordinary She is also a maker of magical objects of every fur and feather - in particular shamanic drums and rattles In this show we go into the importance of responsibility on our spiritual journey We explore the importance of living between both worlds on our life path We talk about companionship and coming together and look into the make up of humanity during these changes on the planet We explore the role of the ancestors and how honouring them can assist our personal growth I really enjoyed the layers of conversation and the unique perspective which Suzi brings to the show enjoy Subscribe In love friendship Dale Tobin - The Healing Path a https 3A 2F 2Fwww suzicrockford com 2F E2 80 8B a a https 3A 2F 2Fwww daletobin com a sacredpath shamanism sacredspace responsibilty dog healing cat healingprocess totem spirit ancestors ancestor earthmother loveheals dreams
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