The Morning Rituals Of Successful Entrepreneurs
Aubrey Marcus an experimentalist unconventional fitness junkie and human optimizer said If I fail to follow my morning routine I try to get a hard workout in A hard workout is like a manual restart of the day Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common- a morning ritual I mean they realize that the way you start your day no doubt sets the tone and pace for the rest of the day Little wonder Marcus disciplines himself enough to constantly follow his morning routine Think about it this way how do these guys manage to keep up with the numerous schedules they have lined up daily How do they manage to stay calm amidst so much work pressure And how do they continually record success Todd Davis an American football linebacker for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League said When I follow my morning routine I feel on top of the world Regardless of what the day has in store for me I feel accomplished and in control Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of incorporating a healthy routine and enjoying a little me time Hence they develop a morning routine that puts them in the right frame of mind to conquer their day Thanks to some of the lessons learned from successful leaders the possibility of success lies in what and how one chooses to spend the early hours of your day In this video I ll share with you 10 Morning rituals of successful entrepreneurs This I believe will help you become a successful person If you re new here consider subscribing so that you won t miss other interesting videos like this If you've not subscribed to the Success Secrets TV kindly subscribe here a http 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2vW2Koz a If you're between the ages of 15 and 40 we invite you to join our new channel Under40 TV for inspiration and wisdom to live a meaningful rich successful life Join the Under40 here a http 3A 2F 2Fbit ly 2F2BijEQi a We Love You
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