What is Radical Remission
What exactly is Radical Remission It's a question we often hear and the answer lies in the groundbreaking work of Dr Kelly Turner Her research on Spontaneous Remission in cancer patients led her on a global quest interviewing individuals across ten countries In our workshop you ll learn all about her study on the patient s lifestyle along with the approach of how she came up with 10 healing factors As Radical Remission Coaches we're here to guide you through embodying these factors in our Radical Remission workshop Click on the link below and discover a new path in your healing journey a https 3A 2F 2Flinktr ee 2Fhealthnavigators a Explore more about Health Navigators on Instagram - a https 3A 2F 2Fwww instagram com 2Fhealthnavigators 2F a Facebook - a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Fhealthnavigators a healingwithcancer cancercoach cancersurvivor radicalremission cancercommunity cancerwarrior cancergroup cancersupportgroup cancersurvivorship cancerremission remissionjourney healthnavigators
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