Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Understanding Cognitive Distortions Dr Dawn Elise Snipes

16 Jul 2021

Explore strategies for addressing cognitive distortions SUBSCRIBE and click the BELL to get notified when new videos are uploaded Unlimited CEUs 59 based on these videos at a https 3A 2F 2Fallceus com a for social work counseling marriage and family therapy addiction counseling case management pastoral counseling and more Want to chat with me Join me at a https 3A 2F 2Fmembers docsnipes com 2F a For 10 month you get access to my tips for health and wellness and you can text chat with me privately A direct link to the CEU course is a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2Fmember 2Fcart 2Findex 2Fproduct 2Fid 2F520 2Fc 2F a AllCEUs provides counseloreducation and CEUs for LPCs LMHCs LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education Live Interactive Webinars 5 a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2Flive-interactive-webinars 2F a Unlimited Counseling CEs for 59 a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a AddictionCounselor and RecoveryCoach a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a certificate-tracks Pinterest drsnipes Podcast a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a counselortoolbox Nurses addiction and mentalhealth counselors socialworkers and marriage and family therapists can earn CEUs for this and other presentations at AllCEUs com AllCEUs courses are accepted in most states because we are approved as an education provider for NAADAC the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health Professional Counseling the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions This was recorded as part of a live webinar Define Thinking Errors Explore the different types of thinking errors Cognitive distortions Irrational Thoughts Evaluate how thinking errors can play into our basic fears Rejection isolation the unknown loss of control failure Identify ways to Increase awareness of thinking errors Address thinking errors Address basic fears Why I Care How It Impacts Recovery Thinking errors or stinkin thinkin plays a large part in keeping people miserable Addiction depression anxiety anger and guilt often stem or are made worse by faulty thinking Addressing these thought patterns will help clients Not make a mountain out of a molehill Focus on the things they can change Identify and eliminate thought patterns that are keeping them stuck What are Thinking Errors Cognitive Distortions take a thought and manipulate it to Fulfil people s expectations of a situation Conform to their current head space negative sees negative Irrational Thoughts are beliefs thoughts that you may hold that Are usually extreme I must have love and approval from everyone all the time Are unrealistic Create feelings of failure inadequacy disempowerment Causes of Thinking Errors Information-processing shortcuts Using outdated dichotomous schemas Mental noise The brain's limited information processing capacity Age Crisis Causes of Thinking Errors Emotional causes I feel bad therefore it must be bad Moral causes It was the right thing to do Social causes Everyone is doing it Impact of Thinking Errors Fight or Flee Emotional upset Depression Anxiety Behavioral Withdrawal Addictions Sleep problems changes Eating changes Physical Stress-related illnesses Headaches GI Distress Social Irritability impatience Withdrawal Summary Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a technique that helps people Understand how thoughts create feelings and vice versa Identify and address negative self talk Issues and events from the past do not need to continue to negatively impact a person Thinking errors are learned and can be unlearned These thought patterns help to form and maintain a negative or vulnerable self image Healthy thought patterns can help people feel more empowered and worthy of love

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