Sacred Short 21 - Why People Don't Practice and Maintain Balance
In today's Equinox Sacred Short release on Why people don't practice a sacred discipline Andrew highlights the beliefs and downfalls more subtle than most think of what drives us in our daily sacred discipline and touches on how balance is key Todays Equinox Energies are vitaly important as a time to practice apply and utilize the Equinox energies now to sow your seeds in the fertile ground of the 2019 Spring Equinox Check out other Sacred Shorts if you only have a moment for powerful contemplation and learning a https 3A 2F 2Fgoo gl 2FzLECac a To learn more about Andrew Bartzis and get up to date information on releases live shows and the latest on healing and retreats go to a www AndrewBartzis com 2C a and check out the main YouTube Library for many more topics and playlists of specific subjects
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