Triggers and Cravings in Addiction Recovery

16 Jul 2021

Triggers and Cravings in Addiction Recovery A direct link to the CEU course is a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2Fmember 2Fcart 2Findex 2Fproduct 2Fid 2F19 2Fc 2F a triggers cravings relapseprevention AllCEUs provides counseloreducation and CEUs for LPCs LMHCs LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education Live Interactive Webinars 5 a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2Flive-interactive-webinars 2F a Unlimited Counseling CEs for 59 a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a AddictionCounselor and RecoveryCoach a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a certificate-tracks Pinterest drsnipes Podcast a https 3A 2F 2Fwww allceus com 2F a counselortoolbox What is a trigger Physical or cognitive stimulus Which causes a physical or cognitive reaction To either repeat pleasure or avoid pain the stimulus Any pleasurable stimulus is associated with elevated dopamine levels Any painful or distressing stimuli trigger the fight or flight reaction What is a Trigger The same trigger can be positive or negative depending on the Frequency of the reinforcement punishment Intensity of the reinforcement punishment Goals Trigger Competing response IMPROVE ACCEPTS Eliminate counter condition trigger Approaches Continue the chain Trigger Depression Coping Skills competing response Break the chain Eliminate the trigger cognitive distortions low self-esteem Eliminate the negative aspects of the trigger bridge Kenny source of resentment or determination Unconditioned triggers Purpose Generally survival Sight bright sun something ball fist headed to your face inability to access caregiver Sound loud noise heartbeat Smell pleasant noxious Touch pain temperature hugs Taste Pleasant or noxious Conditioned Triggers Conditioned triggers are things that in themselves have no meaning to the person Sight Bottle Snow Sound Music Sirens Smell Smoke Brownies Touch Hot stove wool sweater Taste Coffee Reeses ice cream Thought Lice Thanksgiving Where do they come from Learned Experience Trial and error Positive Reward Brownies Positive feelings Get good sleep More energy better mood Negative Brownies Blood sugar crash and upset stomach Getting good sleep Less time with friends Where do they come from Learned Observation Positive Rewarding Dad drinks after a hard day gets less angry Dad exercises after a hard day gets less angry Negative Punishing Dad drinks after a hard day gets a hangover grumpy the next day Dad exercises after a hard day cant move tomorrow and cranky Trigger to Obsession Compulsion Trigger Pleasure I really want to do that again because it makes me happy or eliminates pain Smell brownies cant wait for them to be done New relationship cant wait to see them again Gambling can t wait to get that big win again Trigger actual or memory of pain distress hopelessness helplessness intensification of depression anxiety anger or escape Why Do I Care Knowing triggers for the behavior to be eliminated will prevent the client from being triggered and moving on to obsessive thoughts or the behavior Smoking Knowing positive triggers can help create a treatment plan What is a Trigger Triggers can be Auditory Depression Taps music children playing Anxiety Sirens phone ringing sudden loud noises creaking floor boards Addiction Anything that triggers depression anxiety What is a Trigger Triggers can be Visual Depression Grandma s old house pictures of abused animals children television shows Anxiety Messy house before mom comes bridges Triggers can be Olfactory Smell Depression Hospital smell smell of smoke cologne perfume Anxiety Smell of smoke smell of hospital Addiction Cigarette smoke bar casino baked goods alcohol Happiness Flowers cologne perfumes What is a Trigger Triggers can be Cognitive Depression Anxiety Cognitive distortions Addiction Distress Intolerant thoughts Happiness Empowerment Self-Esteem Hopefulness The Problem of Generalization Generalization can occur when characteristics of one instance of something are attributed to all instances Engaging in a behavior that produces dopamine release produces a reward so you are likely to do it again

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